Sunday, February 24, 2019

bati lutu

Well it was a good week. Got humbled when I didn't proselyte much by our unit building because I figured it would be picked clean, then we got 6 people on date. All referrals. But yeah the work is just about to explode here. Been putting in work and when you bear your burdens and work hard Heavenly Father will bless you. It isn't a maybe, it is guaranteed. He did it to Nephi, and he'll do it to all of his other kids. It's been real, it's been hot, sorry for the short E-mail but i'll try to make up for it by sending some more pics.

Loloma bibi

Elda G

The walk to the river last baptism. Had to take that one way careful with the white iSulu.

Malaysian Dawa. Pretty good grape like fruit that grows by our flat

The Singh Family

Some delicious chicken feet

Some JW propaganda

I pulled out her other front tooth haha

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Back to 4 Man Flat

Bula Vinaka Kemudou Kece!

It was a good week. Some things are getting switched up back in Naita! We are back to covering only one area and 2 more Elders are coming to the flat, so yes mega bed is now gonezo. We had a good run while it lasted. But yeah Elder Iafeta and Hawkins will be sharing the flat with us now!

We had a great week this week with investigators! Sister Sova has been making moves towards getting married which is awesome! She will be baptized soon. It's always awesome to see someone showing their faith. We definitely see both ends of the spectrum, but she really desires to be baptized and she's doing something about it.

We did more service for Aliki this week. We went pretty deep into the bush and helped him haul out some firewood. Probably the most I have sweated in my entire life. It's good though. We've been able to see him progress which has been way rad.

Quote of the week; "I could watch that all night and all day man!" Brother Singh when talking about WWE

More Fijian Kids

 I pulled out her tooth haha. Then I was wondering what they did with teeth and her mom just said, "Cool" asked if her sister wanted it and then threw it on the roof😂

6 Month mark..


Sunday, February 3, 2019

More Flooding

It was a great week but as usual, more flooding.

We had a lot of good lessons this week. Lots of awesome people in our teaching pool and great help from members which makes it awesome.

Well with the flooding, we had to leave the after church feast early because it was raining pretty hard, so I felt like it was going to flood. I wanted to go visit some people on the other side of one of the bridges so we were driving down there, some dudes stopped us and told us it was flooded but I just told them I was going to stop and we were going to cross it, just the usual routine. When I pulled up I saw one of the girls from the village and asked her how bad it was flooded. I thought it was maybe knee high, but she told me it was above her head. So I looked, and sure enough it was crazy bad flooding. Long story short we weren't able to visit those people.

Elda Hippolite and I got to teach Sunday School and I wasn't informed until after the closing prayer in sacrament meeting so I just kinda jerry-rigged together a lesson from what I  could say but it went pretty well. Oh also one of the members went up in testimony meeting and asked everyone for forgiveness because one of the Eldas took his bag of Dalo from him and got his white shirt dirty and the whole Village saw haha. Fijians love using testimony time to ask for forgiveness.

This week I shared about Mosiah 24:14 a few times. I just thought it was really cool because the people in our area can relate to it with literally having heavy burdens of crops on their backs. When we turn to the lord, he can lift physical and spiritual burdens from our backs. Way cool stuff.

Anyway love you all,

Elda G

Sunday School

Peppa Pig Reppin in Fiji

Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...