Sunday, October 27, 2019

Diwali Party Hai?


This week we were able to open up a new village! Ever since Isaia got baptized in Nakasa, it opened up that whole untouched side of the Bay. We went with a member to visit his father in the village Natua. Close to Nakasa, but all these villages are untouched! Never before have the missionaries visited any of these villages! It's an honor and feels awesome to be able to be the first.

It was also Diwali this last Sunday. Our under us neighbors invited us and they kept taking pictures of the white people at their party. Flex Mada. Elder Burge and Elder Tipene were with us because they are going to Labasa so they dropped by. They love to eat sweets (In the trays) and they are all very good! My favorite was a ball of condensed milk with sugar and something else. Kamikamica dina

Right now we are back in Taveuni. Rode the boat over here and got to lie down on the top of the boat because there weren't many people. Luxury.

Well loloma yani sara vakalevu. sota tale next week.

Elda Gwilliam

Sights of Savusavu, including some Diwali house lights. 

 The lure they use to catch the fish on the boat to Taveuni

 Kids from Nakasa

 Diwali with our neighbors. 

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Well just realized I forgot my SD card, so no pics this week sorry.

But it was a good week regardless.

We finally got to watch General Conference which was good. Had lots of less actives there which was good. One of the Families that we taught came which was good. It was all in English and the wife doesn't know a lick of of English but she still had a good time so that's good.

We had some funny experiences with some of the other people we taught. Just the other day we tried to visit a man so we stopped on the main road near his house. He sent his older daughter out to tell us that he was in the village for church, so we decided we'd try somebody a bit back down the road. So we drove up a little where there was an easier spot to turn, and as we were driving back he was walking on the road towards his farm with his farming equipment in hand. He  just looked at us with these wide eyes and almost turned around back towards his house.

But the work goes on. We have Zone Conference tomorrow which is always a hoot. I think we are all getting a Mega Burger from Waitui's so I'm pretty hyped about that.

Well Sorry for the shorter email, but I promise I'll send pics next week.

Elda Gwilliam

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fiji Air

We had a good week this week! Some progress was made with Taniela and Loa! We invited a member to go with us who is good friends with them and then read 3 Nephi 18 together and invited them to take the sacrament. They came next Sunday!

We found a couple of cool people this week! It's awesome how accepting everyone is here of a visit. You can go to 95% of the houses here any they will let you in. The hard part is just to have them accept the message.

Well love you all a lot! Sorry for the shorter email this week, hope the pics make up for it

Elda Gwilliam

Nadi Intl. Airport from the sky

The Western Highlands from the sky

Malake Island (The one we proselyted on in RakiRaki) and RakiRaki from the sky.

Reservoir view of the Savusavu bay from the ground. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Well just got back to my area after being out of it for a week so not many highlights this week. Got to stay with the Hindi Elders while I was waiting for my next comp coming from Rotuma. There's only one flight a week that comes from there but it was good. Got to learn a bit of Hindi. Jeewan kei roti ham hei??

Then my companion flew in on Friday. Elder Reese from my intake! He is awesome and we've already got into the swing of things. Sad to be leaving soon

On another note we got crashed into on Friday. Me, Elder Burge, and Elder Tipine were in the car and stopped to let a man cross the crosswalk and got nailed from behind by a man waving at some people off to the side. He didn't have license and it wasn’t his car so he will be in some trouble and was freaking out. Felt bad for him. No injuries though which was good.

Well that's about it for the highlights. Met a man from naitasiri and got to veivosaki vakanaitasiri which was nice.

Loloma Yani

Elda Gwilliam

Normal Hindi program member meal

Normal Fijian program member meal 

Uncle and his farm. He's 75 and still works it every day

The damage to our Hilux

Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...