But yeah we have had a lot of heavy rains, and our area got flooded this week. One day we drove as far as we could, then trekked through a river to teach some lessons #grinddoesn'tstopforrain. Supposedly the rain is supposed to get worse tonight and President told us to prep for a cyclone even though it isn't confirmed yet. As we learn in Alma it's always better to be prepared and rely on the Lord than rely on your own strength. We will all be fine though.
Grateful for the blessings that we have from the atoning sacrifice of Christ. One cool thing about Fijian is the word for Atonement. The word for sacrifice is Sorovaki, but atonement is veisorovaki, which makes the word reflexive. Pretty much it means it is a personal relationship between us and the sacrifice. Cool stuff.
Au mistaki kemudou sara vakalevu
Elda G
Future AP Burge
When the flooding started to go down.