Sunday, December 2, 2018


Bula Maleka kece!!

It was a good week here. Had a leqa with the truck so it stayed at the flat so that meant lots of walking. I say lots of walking because people weren't feeling like giving us free rides this week but that's okay. Usually we get buses that pick us up when we get to the main road but we walked from a village caled Waitaqolo all the way to one called Nawaqabena. Probably doesn't mean anything to you guys back home but that's a LOT of walking. And we did it 3 days in a row.

Samu and his siblings are in Nadi right now for Christmas break so our unit was unusually low this last Sunday but that's okay! Still an awesome spirit. I always have some sort of spiritual message to give because chances are that I will probably be speaking every Sunday.

Normal meal for me here is Rice and Chow noodles (Fijian Brand of Ramen noodles) with some corned beef mixed in. Cheap and filling. Occasionally we get some cream loaves and those are really good. There is a small bakery in our area that sells them and we can get like 4 loaves of fresh bread for about $1.50 USD. Really awesome for a bread guy like me. For breakfast we have some Drau ni moli (Lemon leaf tea) or some cocoa and breakfast crackers. Nobody knows for dinner but it's always fun.

Sorry for the short email. Just got the 5 minute warning.

Love you all

Elda Gwilliam

Elda Jonathan's 1 year mark!

Lots of cows here

Still hard to believe that bag was $1.50

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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...