Sunday, June 9, 2019

I got conjunctivitis

Well yeah it was a good week. Lots of traveling and planes but i'm finally back to the area. While I was travelling my eye felt a little weird and then next thing you know doctor Ishaq told me I needed some medicine soon or i'd need an IV. So yeah it looks like someone sucker punched me and i'm just going to start a rumor that's what happened and see how far it goes.

It was an awesome experience yesterday for Isaia's baptism. Afterward members were just hyping him up and he asked us when the best day for us to come back to his village was because he has people in mind to start visiting!

He had a nice thought that he bore his testimony about. He said that too many people get caught up about the name of the church or nicknames like Mormons or LDS and don't even focus on the church itself. Too many people see those mormons and don't even give them a chance when they don't realize what the church is actually about! Really honestly all we missionaries try to do is help. We don't come to your village to burn down your church and take your money. We just want to help.

We've had a few Americans coming to church who also do humanitarian stuff in Savusavu and they got thrown right into the deep end with an after baptism feast. It made me realize how far i've come with food in general. Looking over at them just looking at their massive plates with items including sea cucumber and pig with the hair still on it as I had tomato sauce on my fingers as Rourou was falling out of my mouth while I licked a bone clean. The mission does things to you.

The Waitui m e g a  burger. Only 6 USD. 

 Savusavu reefs from the sky.

Brother Isaia's baptism! peep the eye. 

More plane

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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...