All of our people that we had on date have moved away and haven't been back for a few weeks which is hard. We'll see them again soon hopefully though.
Sherran is doing good. She has been helping her husband wean off of smoking and has a date set to get married on August 23rd. She was planning on coming to church but then a village chief came and asked her to cook for him so she wasn't able to make it... But next week!
We taught one boy whose parents own an island so that was pretty cool.
It's been raining all week and that's not too fun, had some sicknesses rolling around the flat. Haven't been 100% since probably because it's been really cold here. A whopping 19C That does calculate out to about 70F but man it still feels freezing cold here. I had to go and buy a big fleece blanket because of how freezing it felt.
Vinaha sara vahalevu na veivuhe miau ba solia mai vei au na wehaku mai vale. Loloma yani
Elda G
When the bond money from the old flat rolls in and you feel like a high roller for a few minutes and then the housing coordinator takes the money from you mere minutes later...