Sunday, July 7, 2019

Broken Ankles

Well transfer calls came around, and my ankles have been severely smitten.

We've been able to recover pretty nicely over these past few days. We've had a lot of good progress with people this week! So I guess I'll talk about the people a little bit more. Sharen (The one who read the Book of Mormon in 9 days) is getting married to her husband and plans on being baptized soon after!

We also teach a girl named Mere. She didn't want anything to do with us before, but her brother left on his mission about a month ago and has totally changed. It was an amazing feeling walking into her home when she was listening to church songs and was reading the scriptures when we walked in. The spirit was very strong that lesson and it went great!

We taught a woman named Vika. Her husband had passed away and so we taught her about the plan of salvation. The next time we visited her we taught her about the Restoration of the Gospel and asked her to pray about it. The next visit she was very excited to tell us she read the pamphlet and prayed and knows it's true!

The main part that I always remember is that us missionaries don't do the converting. We just have to be obedient to the standards and hope we can carry the spirit to them. Then it's up to them to accept or reject. If they accept it's nothing that we did in particular but their accepting of the Holy Ghost. Grateful for that in my missionary work. If it wasn't there i'd be wasting my time.

Loloma Bibi

Elda G

Me and Haderlie before he Flew off

Savusavu sunset

She wanted to take a no smile picture

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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...