Sunday, August 25, 2019

qaqa shorts

It was a way rainy week here. Got wrecked by rain almost every day, but then one random day in there that was scorching hot. Feels a bit like Utah weather.

We had a couple of cool experiences with a few of the people we teach this week. One day we were out and decided to visit a man who we taught who had denied a baptismal invitation to see how he was doing. He invited us right in and was excited to talk and told us plenty of times it had been a long time. Then we taught him a lesson and were about to leave. He told us that plenty of people trash on the Book of Mormon in the villages around him but he said that he told them all  that they need to get past the barrier of a new book and just understand that it's about Jesus Christ.

Then he talked about how other people said they were having visions about black figures and snakes with human heads and he proceeded to tell them that the momani (mormons) were better than all of that stuff. He said he likes it so much more when the kai merika or americans talk with him. He also told us that he was about to leave for dinner with his family, but he felt like he should just stay behind and then we showed up! Nothing too crazy but it was nice to see him defending us.

Well transfers are over, so I'll be staying here in Savusavu for another transfer! Excited to see what we can get done with our people in the next few weeks. Sherran and Lasarusa got married! It was awesome to see her and we were able to promise her blessings the day before that would be coming in hot because of her willingness to be obedient to Heavenly Father's command.

So'a viro na macawa mai ia

Elda Gwilliam

Treated ourselves to some snowy house waffles to celebrate transfers being done.

Too much rain

 Nice to serve by the ocean. 

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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...