Sunday, November 3, 2019

"Ruha sa lesu Viro Mata" "Ooooh nice"

Once again another great week in Savusavu

Well we actually were out of our area for a bit again but that's all good. Until Wednesday we were in Taveuni and on Friday we had to drive to Tukavesi. Those roads will make anybody want to be back to a nice paved road.

We had some good progress with the people we taught this week. Found some new cool people and got to help some of our others progress. The man from Natua is going along well and liking our visits. We take Brother Nainoca the ex AOG Pastor along, and it helps out so much. He is doing a great job at member missionary work. He told us that he takes the boat when he could take the plane to Suva because he gets to share about the church more on the boat. He works for the government and is the Government rep for Caukaudrove (The province we stay in) and goes to Suva often for meetings with all the government officials. He said that last meeting when they brought out the Coffee and Tea the Prime Minister said, "Find the biggest cup we have and fill it with Milo for Brother Nainoca. He's LDS now." Which he was very proud about

On another note we got fired by one man we were teaching. We had only been like 3 times and he loved our visits. He was a Methodist Pastor but still let us come and visit with him. Then we show up and he comes out and says, "Kedatou Veitalanoa, Kemudrau sa Cegu. Kakua ni lesu tale mai." (Let's talk. You two take a rest. Never come back again) He said that the higher ups in the Methodist church were talking badly about him which is too bad.

Loloma Bibi

Elda Gwilliam

Some of the Taveuni water (Yes it does have a filter but that's what it actually looks like. The Camera can't capture it in normal mode)

Somosomo Village on Taveuni

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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...