Sunday, November 24, 2019

Soli wale

Twas a nice week. Started off pretty nice. Elder Rasband came to visit his grandson which was nice because he met with all the missionaries as well. It was awesome to hear from him and everyone was really excited to go do missionary work afterwards. He talked a lot about the importance of following the spirit when doing missionary work and it's the same back home. If you have the promptings to talk to someone about the gospel do it!

Adi was baptized as well! She's been meeting with the missionaries for about 7 months now and now everything worked out for her to be baptized. We also started visiting a less-active man who lives in her house (who was also baptized in Missouri, close to Odessa as a matter of fact)  and he says that now is his time to change! He knows he was being prideful and says that he is starting his pathway back to church. We have family home evening scheduled with them tonight!

Cool Miracle. In Savusavu, the one lady that we put on baptismal date in the area close to Brother Nainoca's home went to a wedding one time and never came back. I was always just waiting for her to come back so we could visit her and she never did. Well we talked to her neighbors and she was in Suva. Then just a few days ago we were walking down the street after a few fall throughs and I saw her son walking towards us on the side of the road! We talked to him and got his mom's number and now she permanently moved into my new area! Coincidence? I think not. But we've made contact with her and I'm excited to see what comes from it.

The primary program was yesterday which was awesome. Love watching those. The Stake President in my first area made an interesting comment about a year back. He talked about how the Primary is the only organization in the church that gets its own sacrament meeting. There's no YSA program, there's no Priesthood Program. So maybe Heavenly Father wants us to learn from them. I can attest that it's true. Even if the kids do try eating the microphone.

Love you all, bout to head to mosquito island.

Elda Gwilliam

Adi got baptized! (I don't know why Fijians never smile in pictures. LIterally every time we've been over there she's talked about how excited she was to be baptized with a big smile)

Share a coke with Boso.

Elder Rasband and *most* of the FSM. Let's just say good thing I got off the North island when I did

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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...