Sunday, January 5, 2020

yabaki vou

Well this week was a good one.

Starting off work wise, we had an awesome experience with our lady Lai. I think that I mentioned her last week but a bit more background. When we were looking for new people over by her area the man she is a caretaker for saw us walking around and wanted to come say Hi. We were a little shocked to see a random member walking around, but he is also from South Jordan so it was fun to talk.

While this conversation was happening Lai was watching from the window thinking to herself about how much she hates us walking around in our shirts and ties and visiting people. (She grew up in the AOG church learning every Sunday from the pastor that our church believes Joseph Smith {God} only lives in America) Obviously not true, but that's what she had been hearing her whole life.

Anyway time moves on and we came over a couple times just to talk to Brother Latu. His bishop came and gave him a fresh copy of the Book of Mormon and a copy of Come, Follow Me and Lai saw it on the counter one day. She asked him if we only use the Book of Mormon and he told her to ask us. Next thing you know a couple of weeks later she is on date for this month! She loves everything we teach and might I add the first Fijian i've ever taught to understand the concept of Priesthood Authority the first try. Not sure why but that one just doesn't seem to make sense to Fijians.

Anyway it was also new years. A few new years traditions
Qiri Cover - Bang on any metal object you can find with a stick all night long
Veisui - Get anyone and everyone wet.
Lovo - Earth Oven
These last 2 weeks

We were proselyting in one area and had a fall through. There were a lot of people there hanging around but we just walked back to our van. We saw some people wrapping some fabric around our van but didn't think much of it. Not sure why. Anyways one girl comes up to us and wipes baby powder on our face and I was like that's nice we get the powder instead of water. And then out of nowhere a few more come flying out with buckets of water. My comp dips and I thought for some reason since I had the phone in my hand they wouldn't get me. I was sorely mistaken. Took a fat bucket of water to my right side. Drenching the phone and my bag but luckily it was all good.

Here's a longer email to make up for some of the shorter ones. Kalougata tiko!

Elda Gwilliam

New Years day BBQ

The Church College. We have church in the basketball gym a bit further down

My Ibe or Mat

Brother Nawaqasema and some Vudi. I'll eat whatever they put in front of me but the cooking banana is a struggle sometimes

Post Veisui Pic

1 comment:


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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...