Monday, October 1, 2018

Macawa Rua


It was a great week here in Odessa. We taught lots of lessons and have a few Investigators who are very close to Baptism! Speaking of Baptism we have Amber's baptism this Friday! I am super excited for her! Her husband is a member and the ward mission leader and she had little to no interest in the church in the past but the spirit did its job.

We also have Adam who is super close to Baptism. He told us that he knows he needs to be baptized and was hoping his wife would too but she said she isn't interested. He is planning on being baptized soon though! He is part of our Sunday service group and we spend the whole day serving people with one of the members from our ward! We do so much service here but it is awesome, no complaints from me!

The members here are so amazing. There are so many here that are willing to help us and that makes a huge difference. Even just people to fellowship others and allow those we teach to feel welcomed is so important.

I had the opportunity on exchanges to place a Book of Mormon and teach a little which was a first for me! After a day of no answers at doors a very nice lady finally answered. She listened to us and seemed pretty receptive to the new ideas. She was interested in the restoration and said she would pray about and read the Book of Mormon which was cool.

Also word of advice, if anybody ever offers you KC BBQ go for the Burnt End sandwiches. Basically all it is is the burnt ends of brisket cut off and put between 2 buns. Absolutely amazing, maybe that's why I have gained 8 pounds here...

The work is hastening all, go get involved and be a part of it!

Loloma Yani,

Elder Gwilliam

Missouri in one picture

Moving, redneck style

Noqu Itokani, Elder Richins 

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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...