Sunday, February 2, 2020

I ♡ Beqa

Well we made it to Beqa. The Navua elders needed us to go out there so we got to go there!
We left in the morning and drove to Navua. We hopped on a motorboat from there and just boated across the channel to the island and then did a little service. Beqa is very traditional (you're not allowed to carry bags on your shoulders, etc.) and so we had to stay in the unit leader's house all day. We aren't allowed to proselyte there they just wait until someone wants to get baptized and then the elders go out there.

Then we went to a little hotel resort on the island and watched the fire dancers. Legend has it that if you're born in Beqa you get immunity to fire and can heal burns on people. (The kids that got burned in Savusavu got massaged in the hospital by a woman from Beqa) They do fire-walking as well but we just saw the fire dance. Then we slept overnight in the unit leader's house and went back the next morning. It was an awesome day. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the explaining though

Also Lai got baptized which was awesome. We had a big combined service with the elders from Samabula and had a few ward baptisms mixed in so it was a good day with lots of support. Lai's husband came and wants to move forward as a family and is looking at baptism as well! It's awesome.

loloma yani

Elda Gwilliam

Fire Dancers

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Fijian style


Resort Sign

On the boat view

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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...