Friday, August 17, 2018

Week 2 in the MTC!

Bula Vinaka Na Matuvuvale!!

Greetings from the MTC. It's been a good week! We got to teach 4 lessons to our investigator Tevita (Just another one of the Fijian teachers Brother Banks) They went pretty well for the most part!! Both Fijian districts had a couple of funny incidents the first lesson. One Elder told Tevita, "We are the idiots." instead of missionaries. Somebody told him to pay attention for the good feeling of the spirit of the devil and i'm not even sure how that one happened. I managed to forget my Fijian triple combination to our first lesson and I was in charge of the scripture so I had to do some improvising. By the end of the week Elder Burge and I were giving lessons without any notes!! (Not to flex or anything but we are the first and only ones in both Fijian districts to do so haha) I understand his questions that he asks back but my vocab isn't strong enough yet to effectively respond so I have to do the best I can. 

We had our first Devotionals this past week and they were awesome. President Kearon from the 70 was our General Authority speaker and he gave an awesome talk with his wife! Sunday devotionals are also awesome! I'm in the MTC choir and we get to sing a number during the devotionals! I've never been an awesome singer but the spirit that you can get from hymns and music numbers has really been reaffirmed over these past few days. Whether it be a hymn sung by our district of 8 or a ton of kids from our floor belting out Nogu Masu it's always good! Nogu Masu isn't a hymn but it's a relatively popular Fijian song about a prayer! Well popular here in America at least. 

We had the opportunity to watch an Elder Bednar talk called Character of Christ on Sunday. I recommend that you all check it out because it teaches a lot of good lessons!! It was really humbling and was a great message to have early on in the mission. One thing that Brother Brower was talking to us about last night is how awesome it is that we get to serve missions. Regardless of where you go you get to sacrifice and spend 2 years serving the lord which is really cool. 

Fijian is also coming along very well so far. We have a lot of opportunities to speak and it's a fun language. It's been fun to have lessons from Bro Brower and Bro Banks. They are amazing teachers and really nice dudes. We also had help from the Elders who were waiting for their reassignments. Elders Hae Hae, Iafeta, and Tanuvasu were all great Elders and really helpful! Our districts have a lot of fun together and sometimes like to throw down on the volleyball court. There are a lot of Polynesian kids in our zone so it gets pretty intense at some points haha. 

It's been good so far and thanks for all the support!! We have lots of fun here but also get a lot of work done.

Elder Gwillie

(Sam couldn't get any pics to me this week, so thank goodness Elder Dial's mom came through!) 

Elder Burge and Sam 

Elder Burge, Elder Dial, Sam 
(I am told that the white board says "We love you" in Fijian behind them 💙)

The Fijian Districts!


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Moce Viti

Well it happened very quickly, but most of the missionaries in Fiji have returned home. On March 24th, at district council President Higgins...